B4Beauty´s varelager er brændt og derfor lukket. Vi åbner hurtigst muligt igen.
B4Beautys varulager har brunnit och är stängt. Vi kommer att öppna igen asap.
B4beauty's warehouse has burned and are closed. We will open again asap.

Gel Polish ˇ Latte

Gel Polish Beige ( Latte ) is a category with all our beige colors with and without glitter for your nails. Beige and latte gel polish colors are sorted in this categor, so you can easily find your beige color gel. We have beige colors that are solid, but also with a little glitter, and we hope that when gel polish colors are set next to each other, you quickly and easily find your polish color in latte that fits your nails.

Order before pm. 14.30 on weekdays, to reach off the same day!


Gellack Latte ➵ Quality in World Class | EzFlow & IBD